Brand Health Tracker: What People Think About Your Brand and Its Market Strength

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Digital Marketing
January 28, 2025
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brand health tracker

I wonder how well consumers know our brand? What associations do they have with it? Hopefully, the best ones. Wait, are they satisfied with the level of our services and the quality of our products?

If you own a company, such thoughts might run through your mind frequently. To find the answer to these (and dozens of other) questions and assess brand dynamics, we conduct the Brand Health Tracker study.If you aren’t yet familiar with the term, you lack a significant asset that can forward your business and solidify its position on the market.

Worry not though, because in this article we reveal everything there is to know about this essential tool for your business. Along with the most important Brand Health metrics that work as your roadmap on your way to better brand reputation. 

So, let’s dive in.

What is Brand Health In The First Place?

First things first. Let’s explore brand health’s definition, before getting more in-depth about its aspects. 

In simple words, brand health is a sum of various metrics having to do with how your business (brand) is perceived by customers, how well is known, and the level of its positioning in the market - among others.  

Think of it like a SWOT analysis, focused primarily on KPIs measuring brand awareness, brand reputation, brand recall, customer perceptions, employee engagement, competitive analysis, market share, and more. Overall, brand health provides precious insight into your brand’s performance. 

Why Is Brand Health Important? 

Having a healthy brand means that your efforts are recognized and valued by your audiences. People talk nicely about you, paving your path to success and growth. 

If you’ve been in the field for quite some time now, you know very well how customers’ views and experiences can either make or break your brand. Maintaining a healthy brand is a key factor to move forward and stay ahead of the competition. 

But, how to measure brand health, you may wonder? Well, read on to find out. 

Consumers are tired and it is no longer possible to retain them with discounts alone, so businesses with a strong brand that responds to consumer needs better than competitors will win in the market.

Brand Health tranking makes it possible to draw conclusions about the clarity and uniqueness of brand image associations, understand how strong the emotional connection with the brand is and where the strengths and weaknesses of the brand image are, which directly affects the propensity to buy.

What is a Brand Health Tracker?

To answer the above question - with a brand health tracker. Getting to the juicy part now. What exactly is such a tracker, though? Let’s see.

A brand health tracker is a tool specially designed for brand health monitoring. As already mentioned, brand health can have many aspects that in total and relation with each other define how healthy is your brand at a particular time frame. This is measured with a voluminous analysis involving a large sample of respondents, which allows businesses to find out the current level of brand strength and make strategic decisions based on real data.

The research is conducted with a target audience of a certain geo- and age-specific nature that meets specific criteria, such as recent purchase experience or frequency of consumption. Selection by socio-demographic characteristics of such an audience is usually less rigorous, as it is necessary to interview, first of all, customers of the brand, not just “women aged 18-25”.

Brand health tracking helps you identify your strong points and unveil your weaknesses so you adjust your strategy accordingly to enhance your brand’s positioning in the market and your customers’ satisfaction. 

When Is It Beneficial for Businesses to Conduct BHT Research?

The short answer is on a regular basis. However, there are some particular points in the course of time and your brand’s life when it can be more beneficial to conduct brand health tracking research.

Let’s reveal when:

  • after launching a new marketing/branding strategy 
  • after introducing a new product/service in the market
  • when you want to evaluate your brand’s market share
  • when new competitors enter your field 
  • when you want to compare your business to the leading companies in your field (and learn from their performance and strategy).

While brand health research should be ideally done regularly, conducting it within the above timeframes can offer you deeper insights into how well you are performing and shed light on potential areas you need to address to boost your business’s effectiveness.    

What Does a Business Gain from It?

In the course of the research, we receive numbers that need to be interpreted and derived into conclusions and testable hypotheses. Therefore, before conducting brand health measurement, it is important to study previous business research, analyze what data is missing, and understand which BHT methodology is best suited to the purpose of a particular business.

As already roughly stated, the truth is that you can benefit a lot, should you get your hands on a (reliable) brand health tracker and its results. Here is how:

Among the main data that a business can get:

  • Portrait of current and lost brand customers;
  • Understanding the criteria of customer choice and Customer Journey Map;
  • Assessment of market distribution between the main brands;
  • Understanding the vectors of the brand's marketing strategy;

Having all this info, you can then identify areas of underperformance along with your strong points and best practices to ensure your brand’s viability and maximize your growth strategy. 

How to create a stronger brand? Check out our Brand Identity case study:

5 Metrics to Measure Brand Health

Here are five metrics you should ideally include in your brand health assessment:

1. Brand Equity

Brand equity reflects consumer perceptions, loyalty, associations, and emotional connection to a brand. The strength of a brand is manifested in its ability to persuade people to choose and buy it over all others, both in the present and in the future.

That is why we study three main points: brand knowledge, consumer loyalty, and the benefits for which they choose a brand.‍

For example, brand awareness is not only about knowing the brand name, but also about understanding its positioning and unique value.

Brand attitude helps to identify how consumers perceive a brand on an emotional level: whether it is attractive, reliable, modern, or conservative. What associations it evokes and how well they meet the needs of the consumer.Loyalty is measured by how willing consumers are to repeatedly choose your brand over existing competitors' offers.

2. Brand Uplift

This metric demonstrates changes in brand perception as a result of communication or advertising campaigns. Its purpose is to assess how successfully a brand has improved key metrics (awareness, associations, loyalty, purchase intent, etc.) through marketing efforts.

Brand uplift is usually measured by comparing brand recall in two groups of audiences: those who have been exposed to the campaign (the exposed group) and those who have not seen it (the control group). For example, if the level of brand awareness in the control group is higher than in the exposed group, it can be assumed that the advertising campaign created.

3. Brand Perception

This one reflects how consumers perceive your brand’s quality, reliability, or satisfaction. This is particularly crucial, given that many times the opinion and experience of two persons may vary immensely about the same product or service. In fact, they can be completely opposite.

What you should measure: The Net Promoter Score (NPS) - if your customers are willing to propose your brand to their social circle, or sentiment analysis from reviews and surveys.

This tool is an important indicator of trust, reputation, and long-term business success. Therefore, it is often used separately. However, in the context of the Brand Health Tracker study, the NPS metric can be used to determine brand loyalty and reasons for buying not only among brand customers but also the entire market.

The NPS methodology is based on a simple question: “Please rate from 1 to 10 how willing you are to recommend the product to your family or friends.” Depending on the score, customers are divided into three categories:‍

  • Promoters (customers who gave the highest scores - 9 or 10).
  • Neutrals (customers who rated the product or service at 7 or 8).
  • Detractors (customers who rated the product or service from 0 to 6).

NPS is calculated by subtracting the share of detractors from the share of promoters:

%Promoters -%Detractors = NPS Score

4. Share of Voice

Classically, Share of Voice is a measure of voice share. It gives you an understanding of how much a brand is present in the minds of consumers and in the information field compared to other brands in your niche.

Voice share can be measured separately based on different channels: mentions in the media and social networks, ad impressions, search traffic. In the context of Brand Health Tracker, the SOV metric allows you to identify changes in the dynamics of the competitive environment, evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies, and take the necessary measures to strengthen your brand's position.

5. Purchase Intent

Finally, this metric analyzes a customer's purchase intent. It’s another valuable KPI since it can help you spot business opportunities and measure marketing campaign effectiveness. 

Important: we do not study the dynamics of sales, but rather determine the dynamics of the consumer's propensity to purchase a particular product.

Purchase intent can be seen as a stage in the sales funnel that lies between awareness and actual purchase. It shows how close a consumer is to making a purchase decision.

Businesses can also get information about the factors that influence the purchase decision. For example, if brand awareness is high and purchase intent is low, it may indicate problems with pricing, product availability, or a lack of understanding of brand benefits or stronger competitors. 

How Promodo Conducts BHT Research?

Promodo has two main variants of Brand Health Tracker research - classic and “short”. Their main difference is that the sample size of people for a short study is standard, and the audience characteristics are more extensive. For the classic BHT, we start from the business's request and choose the number of people depending on the specified target audience and geography.‍

For example, a short Brand Health Tracker will help to give a general understanding of the “brand strength” - a socio-demographic description of the target audience, knowledge about the brand in the category and in the context of competitors, and its consumption. While a classic study goes deeper and covers more metrics.

Classic BHT Short BHT
Brand Awareness (structure of brand knowledge and awareness) Brand Awareness (measure of brand knowledge)
Brand Preference (reasons and factors for choosing a brand, refusing it) Brand Usage (consumption of a brand or category)
Brand Attributes (associations that a brand spontaneously evokes, how a consumer describes a brand) Brand Loyalty (attitude towards the brand)
Brand Benefits (emotional benefits during interaction with the brand)
Brand Identity (how the consumer reads and associates the main elements of branding)

Depending on the specifics of the business, its niche, and goals, Strategy Promodo specialists offer a research option that best meets the client's needs. In addition to offering the BHT methodology, conducting the research, and providing classic conclusions, our experts provide businesses with personalized recommendations that can improve brand performance. And this is the main value of conducting this type of research with Strategy specialists.

Therefore, we recommend that you first of all identify your internal “pains” and find yourself in the main Brand Health Tracker cases that we have described in this article. Our experts will handle the rest.

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Written by
Anastasia Marchyshak

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Immersing myself fully in any topic I explore and my appreciation for simplicity are the driving forces behind my work.

Written by
Dayana Danyliuk

Journalist at Promodo

For over 4 years, I have been working as a journalist in the communications and marketing industry. I help brands communicate effectively through written content, engage with market experts, and create professional materials on topics related to business and marketing, sharing insights on working with marketing tools.

January 28, 2025
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