How Ukrainian
eCommerce Survived

Annual Indicators & Forecast 2024

Study Objective & Methodology 

Following active revival throughout 2022, in 2023 domestic eCommerce started to gain confidence rapidly while the brands desperately needed quick and informed decisions.

While the trend is on the go in 2024, we visualized the dynamics in five core niches based on estimated averages in each niche. The sample embraces market players with different levels of turnover. We compared 2021 versus 2023 indicators. To assess seasonal fluctuations properly by neglecting inflation impacts, we displayed part of the data in USD percentages.

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Core Beneficiaries 

Business owners

seeking wider prospects


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Ukrainian Market
Size in 2023

How Much Ukrainians Spent
Online in 2023

Domestic Retail Trade & Online Sales in 2021-2023

Almost 10 m. Ukrainians are purchasing goods online. 1.5 m. customers made their first online purchase in 2023.

Domestic Internet Users & Online Shoppers in 2021-2023

Changes in Key eCommerce Indicators

We visualized the graphs based on the estimated average indicators per each niche. the sample includes players with different levels of turnover. We compared 2021 versus 2023 indicators. Part of the data is displayed as USD percentages.


Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Average check per niche (UAH)||
Average check per niche (USD)||
Number of users per niche ||
Ad Spend in Google Ads (USD)||
Cost per Click (CPC) in USD||
Click distribution by campaign type

Analytics & Conclusions

  • The niche is showing positive dynamics. In 2023, UAH revenue surged by 17% compared to 2021, while the USD revenue growth marked 2%, respectively. The growth started in Q3. 2023, while substantial changes were seen in Q4. 2023. Still, November USD revenue marked a 7% slump compared to the same period in 2021, while UAH revenue fell by 24%. It is worth noting that in 2023, a top niche player significantly cut down its market share.

  • December 2023 proved much better. The USD revenue growth marked 5%, while the UAH revenue growth reached 32% compared to 2021. In this vein, we assume that many retailers did not limit their Black Friday promotions to the last week of November. This indicates that despite solid purchasing power, domestic consumers are rather sensitive to discount offers. The dynamics also show that Ukraine is transitioning towards the European model where December holidays predetermine sales growth.

  • In 2023, the revenue side stabilized across the niche compared to 2022. In 2023, the niche resonated with its usual seasonality.

  • The average UAH check was 50% higher than in 2021, while the USD YoY growth marked 28%.

  • Since February 2023, retailers' spending on Google advertising has reached the budgets of 2021. Since August, players have started to increase them - in the second half of the year, they grew by 30% in UAH. 2023 USD budgets were 30% lower, though managed to overtop November-December 2021 figures by 11%, respectively.

  • The average cost per click (CPC) in UAH has been growing since July 2023, though CPC in USD has not changed at all.

  • In 2024, the niche competition will get more intense, given CPC growth.

Groceries & Alcohol

Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Average check per niche (UAH)||
Average check per niche (USD)||
Number of users per niche ||
Ad Spend in Google Ads (USD)||
Cost per Click (CPC) in USD||
Click distribution by campaign type

Groceries & Alcohol:
Analytics & Conclusions

  • By income rates, in 2023 the niche grew by 65% in USD. In USD, the niche surged by 85%, respectively. Herewith, one should account for the fact that in 2022 niche players rapidly moved online and showed gradual growth since July 2022. 

  • In 2023, the average check across the niche was similar to 2021. However, it was 50% lower in USD at the dawn of the year compared to the same period in 2021. It was only in May that the average check leveled off and almost reached 2021 indicators.

  • In 2023, the average check in USD dropped by 10% compared to 2021. That is to say, online customers either order a cheaper basket or make more purchases at a lower check.

  • The conversion rate (CVR) in the niche decreased in 2023, whereas revenue and traffic showed rapid growth. This indicates that many users visit niche websites only to monitor prices without ordering anything.

  • Retailers have actively invested in advertising since July 2021. Since the beginning of 2023, the niche has grown steadily and is prone to its own seasonality. By the end of 2023, the budgets were 50% higher than in 2021. 

  • The niche has sped up. We predict that the number of niche players will grow in 2024. Respectively, the cost per click (CPC) will also grow: in 2023 it was 56% lower than in 2021.

  • It is worth mentioning that by contrast to electronics, the share of search campaign types within the niche increased by 5% in 2023. This is logical while the niche brands have worked actively to attract new users.

Apparel & Footwear

Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Average check per niche (UAH)||
Average check per niche (USD)||
Number of users per niche ||
Ad Spend in Google Ads (USD)||
Cost per Click (CPC) in USD||
Click distribution by campaign type

Apparel & Footwear:
Analytics & Conclusions

  • In terms of revenue, the niche grew by some 6% in USD and 22% in UAH, respectively. In 2023, we spotted sheer proneness to seasonality.

  • The average check grew by 5.5% in USD and 33% in UAH, accordingly. During the first two quarters of 2023, it was higher than in 2021 and fell by 8% since September. Our major observation is that adults in Ukraine are actively purchasing clothes and shoes.

  • Traffic grew by 22% across the niche.

  • USD ad budgets are 6% higher compared to 2021, while UAH ad budgets grew by some 33%.

  • CPC in USD increased by 12% in the second half of 2023.

  • In 2021, Search campaigns accounted for 60% of the niche; by contrast, in 2023 retailers spent only 38% on this type of ad campaign. Shopping campaigns are also popular among niche players.

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Once you need an in-depth analysis of your market niche or are about to develop strategically, our Development & Strategy experts are right at hand. 

Children’s goods

Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Average check per niche (UAH)||
Average check per niche (USD)||
Number of users per niche ||
Ad Spend in Google Ads (USD)||
Cost per Click (CPC) in USD||
Click distribution by campaign type

Children’s Goods:
Analytics & Conclusions

  • In 2023, the revenue of players in this niche dropped by 41% in USD and 27% in UAH. The niche started its online revival in July 2023, though failed to reach 2021 indicators even in UAH. We estimate the niche as the most pessimistic in the domestic online segment due to forced migration and depopulation.

  • In 2023, the average UAH check grew by 31%, while the average USD check grew by a mere 2%. The number of users decreased by 31%. The seasonality has changed: there was no growth from January to September, while a certain increase in the number of website visitors began only in October.

  • USD ad budgets in 2023 were significantly lower: January 2023 was twice as low as January 2021, and February by 50%, accordingly. Niche players started to reach 2021 figures only in March. A drop in UAH value: January - by 30%, and February - by 20%, respectively. Since March, we have seen budget growth from 6 to 20% compared to 2021 indicators.

Pet Products

Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (UAH)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Revenue per niche (USD)||
Average check per niche (UAH)||
Average check per niche (USD)||
Number of users per niche ||
Ad Spend in Google Ads (USD)||
Cost per Click (CPC) in USD||
Click distribution by campaign type

Pet Products:
Analytics & Conclusions

  • Compared to 2021, the average revenue growth within the niche in 2023 is 30% in UAH and 13% in USD. Traffic grew by 30-35%, accordingly.

  • The average UAH check in 2023 increased by 25%, and by 5% in USD. The consumer basket remains stable - Ukrainians continue to buy cheaper goods. 

  • Compared to 2021, USD ad budgets increased by 76% and almost doubled in UAH. The CPC in UAH increased by 67% and by 54% in USD, respectively.

  • In 2021, the niche split budgets 50-50 between Search and Shopping ad types. In 2023, the share of Search was only 35%. 

Major Takeaways & Predictions for 2024

  • In terms of UAH revenue, the electronics niche has leveled up with 2021 figures, though has not yet reached its peak performance during the golden season. The average YoY difference makes up 17%. 
  • In 2023, the Food & Alcohol topped dynamic online development. Retailers from this niche finally saw the prospects of doing business online. It reached the level of 2021 back in 2022, and in 2023 exceeded 2021 figures. 
  • The niche of Children's goods is falling year after year and is not likely to grow shortly. 
  • Pet products grew significantly online in 2022. In 2023, the growth dynamics continued. 
  • The Apparel & Footwear niche has not yet reached the figures of 2021 but shows dynamic development and will continue to grow in 2024. 
  • We have spotted the conversion rate (CVR) drop across all niches. The 2023 CVR figures are two times lower compared to the 2021 figures. We predict that in 2024, CVR will either remain at the 2023 level or slump. We assume that this is because users are now searching more online and ordering goods and services offline or by phone. Domestic consumers are now far more conscious about making rational purchase decisions and remaining price-sensitive.
  • The average UAH check grew due to inflation across all niches in 2023 and will depend on the exchange rate in 2024. Once there are no sharp currency fluctuations, it will grow at the level of inflation. The average USD check grew only in Electronics. More or less, all other niches remained at 2021 level. 
  • In terms of UAH, Electronics remains the most profitable online niche. However, Groceries & Alcohol made the largest breakthrough in 2023 and ranked second in terms of profitability, having outnumbered Apparel & Footwear. 
  • While in 2022 niche players did not risk investing in ad budgets at the level of 2021, in 2023 the market necessitated larger investments. In November-December 2023, UAH ad budgets across all niches exceeded 2021 figures by 40%. 
  • We see a wider use of ad channels across all niches: in 2023, Google Ads proved as the most effective channel for driving traffic. The second place goes to Others, including referral traffic, traffic with custom UTMs, traffic from social networks, etc.). Organic search is the third most effective channel. Direct channel goes fourth. 
  • Overall, in 2024 retailers should not ignore paid promotion on Google and continue to invest heavily in SEO and brand awareness. Downplaying one of these channels, you’ll pass your customers to competitors, while online competition is yet to grow.
Once you need an in-depth analysis of your market niche or are about to develop strategically, our Development & Strategy experts are right at hand.