Increasing Brand Awareness With TV & Digital Promotion For A Job Search Website


Client is the #1 job search website in Ukraine.


To increase brand awareness among employers and job seekers.

Initial Data

To strengthen the leading position of this brand in the market, in 2017, 2019 and 2020 the team carried out four global advertising campaigns on several platforms at once. We were responsible for the development of a digital strategy and its implementation online. Meanwhile the client was launching an advertising campaign on radio and TV, and placing outdoor advertising.

TV advertising is still the most effective channel for developing a brand in both the short and long term. Despite this, launching TV flights* is up to 60% more profitable in combination with an online promotion. 

Among the reasons to choose the Internet as a platform for increasing your brand awareness are: wide reach, targeting accuracy and a variety of methods of interacting with your audience. 

*In marketing, flighting is a process where advertisers schedule messages to run during optimal periods of time, followed by planned periods of inactivity. When the advertisement is actually active, the period is known as a 'flight'.

The advertising campaign with a new creative approach "Oh my gosh!" was launched on TV and on the internet in January 2020. Our task was to gain the maximum online reach based on the allocated marketing budget, and be sure to take into account the given frequency of user contact with creatives.

‘Oh my gosh!’, a campaign with this slogan inspires job seekers on multiple advertising platforms.

What was important

  • Compose a detailed media plan, work out a launch strategy and a step-by-step roadmap of the project: from the planning stage to the final flight with the summary. 
  • Conduct a reflection of the results obtained and, if necessary, make adjustments.
  • Control the quality indicators of each flight: view rate / audience engagement / format efficiency / contact quality, depending on the platform and device. 
  • Achieve the frequency coverage target.


We divided the work on the project into several key stages, allocating as much time as possible for planning.


Planning is a vital stage of any advertising campaign. The more details taken into account at the planning stage, the higher the probability of obtaining the desired result.

Working out the key points 

  • What is the target audience we need to cover? 
  • Which websites are of our interest and which ones should be excluded? 
  • What creative will we show to a particular audience, with what frequency and why? 
  • Is it possible to get the desired coverage among the selected target audience? 
  • Budgets & deadlines.

Thanks to the preparation that began two months before the start of the campaign, we were able to go into detail for each task and select the most suitable tools and calculate the time it takes to connect them, as even the processing of Customer Match takes several days to complete.

Developed project launch map by campaigns


Since the resource covers a wide audience that has already been formed and segmented, we decided to work out the existing target audience first, and only after that proceed to search for a new one. To do this, we checked the existing remarketing lists and set up the collection of new ones required for the flight.


  • Customer Match. We segmented the email data of the client according to our goal.

  • Remarketing by audiences. We added remarketing to the audience whose email did not match. To ensure complete reach, we used the list of all website visitors. Once excluding employer audiences, we gained the most complete list of applicants.

  • Remarketing by audiences. To exclude undesirable impressions, we disabled all additional settings for targeting extensions from Google, and irrelevant websites: YouTube channels with children's content and radically political visitors. Once excluding employer audiences, we gained the most complete list of applicants.

In terms of the task to reach the maximum of employers, it was extremely important not to miss out on larger companies and their Directors or HRDs, which could not be targeted by our ads due to the low rates. Therefore, we added the premium employer audience as a separate targeting and adjusted the bid by 300% higher. So we were able to raise the bid in time if we noticed few impressions and clearly understood how many users we were able to reach.

Choosing The Tools. Settings

Since our main goal is to ensure the maximal reach of the remarketing audience, we decided to split the budget for advertising campaigns on YouTube and GDN according to the principle:

We launched reach campaigns on a CPM model with limited impressions, thus, trying to avoid obsession and causing a negative attitude to the brand. For the audience of employers, we deliberately set an overestimated CPM in advance, since the smaller the audience, the higher the cost of a contact.

We launched reach campaigns on a CPM model with limited impressions, thus, trying to avoid obsession and causing a negative attitude to the brand. For the audience of employers, we deliberately set an overestimated CPM in advance, since the smaller the audience, the higher the cost of a contact.


​​We were in charge of the animated banners created using the existing characters and videos for the “Oh my gosh!” ad campaign, as well as online. 

  • Banners in all major sizes + responsive banners for maximum reach. 

  • Videos in various formats, as well as supporting video banners with CTAs to measure engagement rate per video.

  • Added Instagram and Facebook Stories (both in the form of short videos and banners adapted for Stories).
  • As part of the campaign, we also created bright masks for Facebook and Instagram.

During the campaigns of 2019 and 2020, we changed the messages and formats of creatives, based on the retrospective of the campaigns and the results obtained: 

  • During the flights of 2019, we launched 30-second in-stream videos to build reach and high-quality interaction. We used bumpers for remarketing campaigns.
  • For employers, we were running 40-second skip videos and then 15-second in-stream videos were launched during one week in 2020. 
  • For applicants, in 2020 we were also running 40-second videos during three weeks, and then 15-second videos until the end of the flight.

For a more accurate adjustment of bids in the first flights of 2019, we additionally segmented all campaigns for desktop and mobile (based on statistics on device usage by the resource audience):

  • 40% DESKTOP
  • 60% MOBILE

But in the second flight of 2019 and in the campaign of 2020, they decided not to divide the audience by devices, so that Google can identify on which device to display ads to the user. This way we managed to achieve maximum reach for the given targeting and later on, – to confirm the most accurate data on the volume of unique reach in Google for all audiences and all campaigns. 

Despite the active development of Smart TV’s, its share of impressions did not grow either in 2019 or in 2020, even taking into account our rate adjustment of + 300%. It is worth clarifying that the growth was not observed in relative terms. In absolute terms, there was some growth, but not as rapid as in the number of impressions on mobile devices. 

The share of impressions on tablets increased in 2019, but fell again in 2020. Usually it depends on the targeting and makes 3-7%.

Evolution of ad campaign impressions across different devices in 2017, 2019 and 2020

We also saw a noticeable increase in the cost of a contact from flight to flight. Although this is a natural trend: 

  • started targeting only by remarketing lists or adding intent audience; 
  • the cost of a contact grew in the market as a whole due to the large flights of other large players; 
  • the flight coincided with marketing activities such as Love Season (holiday period February 14, March 8) or Back-to-School (late August - early September, preparation for the new school year); 
  • media inflation on YouTube (2018/2019 - 20%, and 2019/2020 - 28%).

Evolution of cost across different devices of advertising campaigns in 2017, 2019 and 2020

While back in 2017 impressions on the desktop were more expensive than on mobile, in 2020 the situation has changed dramatically, since users have become much more active in using smartphones as a web surfing tool, which means that the competition has grown as well.

How did we measure the effectiveness of campaigns?

  • Our primary KPI was unique coverage. Secondary is the frequency of impressions. 

  • We daily monitored statistics + weekly carried out a cross-section with adjustments (coverage cost / purchase cost adjustment / quality control of placement sites).


YOUTUBE AND FACEBOOK (platforms of placement: Facebook + Instagram)

In 2020 a larger budget was allocated on YouTube campaigns, which allowed to reach a higher percentage of remarketing audiences, but also made a contact more expensive.

Reach campaigns on Facebook and Instagram were cheaper – the cost of a contact was almost four times lower. At the same time, users hardly watched videos from Instagram Stories till the end. The share of those who watched the video halfway though was only 1.5%. Therefore, CPV on Instagram was five times higher than on YouTube.


In our case, the Facebook toolkit (Facebook + Instagram hosting platforms) turned out to be about four times cheaper if we estimate the cost of a unique contact.


With higher impressions, responsive ads showed lower cost per contact and higher click-through rates:

СРМ of responsive ads 5% higher than HTML5

CTR of responsive ads is 28% higher than 

In addition, this format can be shown on a significantly larger number of GDN websites:


Avoiding responsive ads only makes sense if your creative requirements are very high. In other cases, we highly recommend using them.


Despite the small share of impressions, in our case Smart TV gave the highest percentage of views.


Since the ad is played on TV and usually precedes a film or program, Smart TV is likely to replace a regular TV, although not yet on such a large scale.


  • the budget was implemented exactly as planned; 
  • coverage was exceeded by 8%, which is within the natural error of planning; 
  • frequency not met due to higher CPMs ranging from 5 to 20%, except for GDN campaigns by employers (high frequency + higher real coverage); 
  • the CPM for remarketing audiences is increasing with each flight. We assume that the trend will continue, and the next flight will need to build on the CPM growth.


In the spring of 2020, Factum Group experts conducted another study, during which they interviewed respondents to find out which job search website they know. In 57% of cases, the answer was This is a record figure in the entire history of the brand. In comparison with 2019, it grew by 5%.

Which job search website do you know? 

The site people named first

And these are the results of another stage of the study, which confirm that every second Ukrainian is sure that is the best Ukrainian job search website.

Which job search website do you know?

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