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How to Use ChatGPT for Marketing: A Business Optimization Guide

Digital Marketing
Email marketing
October 7, 2024
10 mins

ChatGPT's audience has reached 200 million people. It's a powerful tool that helps with work tasks, in particular, it can be useful for marketers.

In this article, Promodo experts show how to use ChatGPT effectively, how our specialists use the service themselves, and how to create promotional materials with ChatGPT for your company. 

4 Basic Ways to Use ChatGPT in Marketing

There are many ways to use ChatGPT to improve and optimize the work of all kinds of professionals. ChatGPT in marketing is a separate tool that can considerably simplify many tasks. Here are some basic ways:

Email Marketing Optimization

ChatGPT helps to automate email marketing: write and edit texts, form CTA headlines, and add personalization elements faster. It is especially useful for writing “cold emails” where you need to make several different versions and send them for A/B testing. 

Creating content for emails. You can ask ChatGPT to create an email template with text that informs subscribers about a new product, offers a promotional discount, and encourages them to make a purchase. Afterwards, of course, you'll need to edit and optimize this text, but as an auxiliary tool, it works great.

Generate ideas for topics and headlines. ChatGPT can generate several subject lines for your emails using relevant keywords and attention-grabbing triggers. Ask it to do so by providing the necessary input data. 

CTA optimization. ChatGPT can generate several CTA variants and adapt them to different target groups according to your criteria.

Create segmented campaigns. In general, ChatGPT can be used for more extensive work with segments. It will come in handy when setting up personalized campaigns for different groups (e.g., new customers, loyal customers, customers who haven't made a purchase in a long time). For example, if you have an audience segment that hasn't made a purchase in the last 6 months, you can ask ChatGPT to create an email that will bring them back to the site based on their typical activity or other parameters. 

Analyze results and optimize. ChatGPT can be used to analyze the results of marketing campaigns and create a report. The tool highlights the main points and can interpret metrics well. It can even suggest strategies for optimizing future campaigns based on the analyzed data. Don't expect anything original, but ChatGPT will definitely help you with the basic steps.

Prompt example: 

The task is to write a letter to a potential client to establish contact. Your email should be personal and show that you are interested in their engagement. Start by greeting them by name and thanking them for subscribing to your email newsletter. Briefly describe the company's values and the content you will send in the newsletter. Use convincing arguments. Suggest actions, such as visiting your website or subscribing to social media, and give clear instructions on how to contact you. Finally, thank them for their time.

Context: You are an online pet store that is writing a welcome email to a customer who has signed up for the newsletter. Your email should be targeted at potential customers of the pet store who profess humane values towards animals, care about their health, and are ready to improve their lives. Use friendly language with a gentle call to action. 

SEO Tasks

ChatGPT helps you optimize your content for search engines, including generating keywords, titles and subheadings, meta descriptions, and more. It can also automate the writing of meta tags for your pages, which saves time.

Here are some examples of requests you can send it:

"Suggest a list of keywords for a pet store blog post on hamster care."

“Analyze the keywords used by a competitor's store (insert website URL).” 

“What keywords should I add to the description of [specify which product] to optimize for search engines?”

“Suggest a meta description for the page about (think of a topic) using the following keywords...”

Note that ChatGPT will definitely make mistakes, so its data and recommendations should be filtered. 

Monitoring in Google Tag Manager

Could AI replace Google marketing tools? We’ll see. 

For now, ChatGPT can definitely assist in creating tags for Google Tag Manager:

  • It can generate tag codes at your request;
  • Customize the necessary triggers; 
  • Provide examples of popular tags for different scenarios of user actions on the site.

If you need to set up tags to track specific user behavior, such as scrolling a page by a certain percentage, ChatGPT can help to generate the necessary code, which you can then add via Google Tag Manager to your website.‍

Examples of queries: 

"Help me create a code to track an event when a user views a (specific) page of the site for more than 2 minutes."

"How to set up a trigger to track users who come from an organic search on Google and subscribe to a newsletter."

"Explain how to use Google Tag Manager to track file downloads from my website. Write the code for the corresponding tag."

Content Creation for Blogs and Social Networks

ChatGPT can't replace a copywriter or editor, but it can handle basic tasks. The model can:

  • Suggest topics and ideas for texts for social media, blogs, etc. 
  • Write a text in different formats: article, report, manual, instruction, etc. 
  • Offer several options for headlines or calls to action.
  • Create a content plan for the month, taking into account holidays or other significant events. 
  • Generate several versions of any type of text, short or long.
  • Translate an article or a piece of text into any language. 
  • Adapt large text into shorter formats for different tasks and resources. 
  • Create descriptions of goods and products on the website, taking into account keywords and negative words. 

It is important to remember that ChatGPT uses content that has already been created by people. Besides, it can make mistakes or fail to perform its task properly. Therefore, it is always better to check and edit what the model produces. 
The biggest difficulty in using the model for text generation is learning how to effectively create promos for artificial intelligence. 
An example of effective promos for chat gpt digital marketing:

"Give me 5 unique approaches to discussing [the topic] on social media."

"What interesting questions can I ask my audience about [topic]?"

"Write a series of 5 social media posts to promote an upcoming event on [topic]."

"Generate captions for 10 Instagram posts about [topic], don't forget to add a simple call to action that will encourage commenting and engagement with the post."

"Summarize this webinar in a series of Twitter posts."

ChatGPT in Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Chat GPT is an effective tool that can quickly complete tasks. But at the same time, it is not always accurate, does not understand emotions well, uses previously created content, and does not always cope with requests. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of GPT is key for businesses treating it as an assistant. 


1. 24/7 availability: GPT Chat is available at any time and can quickly help solve any problem or task. 

2. Efficiency: The model allows you to implement basic or repetitive tasks. Correctly formed promises will help to get a high-quality answer from AI, which can be used in the future with minimal intervention. 

3. Time saving: the model produces results very quickly. This saves time and optimizes task performance. 

4. Multifunctionality: it can process a large number of queries simultaneously, quickly switch between a variety of tasks, and research the most relevant information

5. Multiple language support: ChatGPT can communicate and create content in different languages.


1. Lack of emotional intelligence: ChatGPT does not have the ability to understand emotions, which makes it less effective in dealing with emotionally complex or sensitive situations.

2. Inaccuracy: it can provide incorrect information, make mistakes in writing texts, infographics, codes, etc. Especially often, the model makes mistakes if the query is not formulated clearly enough.

3. Difficulty of initial setup: customizing ChatGPT for specific needs and questions requires effort and time. The model needs to be trained to fulfill queries in such a way that it receives relevant and correct content. 

4. Lack of authenticity: AI-generated content can be so convincing that it is indistinguishable from human-generated content. But this result is much more difficult to achieve, and it raises ethical issues. After all, ChatGPT creates content based on training data, so it is not original, it can be biased, and it can misinform. 

5. Plagiarism: content created by AI raises questions about intellectual property rights. In addition, ChatGPT may occasionally generate content that closely resembles existing human-generated content. 

It is also important to understand that ChatGPT is not a substitute for a specialist in any field. It is only a tool that can help solve a problem, not an independent entity. 

What Features of ChatGPT Does the Promodo Team Use?

Sergiy Zhuk, Middle SEO Specialist, noted that ChatGPT is a great assistant that can quickly structure a work brief or message, find something on the Internet, and provide an extract from a text or file. Here's how you can use it:

  • Search instead of Google. The model understands complex queries and gives a quick answer. For example, “Find 3 tools to remove the background from an image, without registration, and also to be able to add images via Ctrl+C, and write a table comparing the pros and cons, and add a link to the tool's website.” Sometimes it makes mistakes - it gives the wrong information, but if you re-generate its message, it's usually correct).
  • Technical brief for developers. I write to them what I need from the developer, how I see the end result. Afterwards, I ask him to ask me more questions so that he can provide a more detailed statement of work. After that, the model writes a more structured and detailed statement of work.
  • Write LSI (latent semantic indexing) for the copywriter briefs. ChatGPT can provide a list of 30-40 LSIs based on competitors' texts. It's clear that not all 30-40 keys will be used, but 10 good ones will definitely work. 
  • Generate ideas for questions in the FAQ block. The model can write 15-20 questions based on the audience that I will ask. Then I select 5-10 of them and “finalize” these questions. Then it can wrap them in Schema markup.
  • Generate a formula in Google Sheets or write code for Apps Script. When you need to create a complex formula, just describe what you want, and ChatGPT will generate the formula or offer to write code for Apps Script. For example, for Google Sheets, I needed to display the sum of key queries in the last line of 20 emails and display the email title and sums for keywords in a new email - I described what I needed to do in a minute, and in less than a minute it wrote the code for Apps Script.
  • Translate text with HTML markup. Sometimes you need to quickly translate text and preserve HTML tags. Google Translate can handle this, but I don't like the way it translates - it's too straightforward. - can't translate all the text into HTML at once (it translates the <p></p> paragraph fine, but when there is more than one paragraph of HTML, it fails).
  • Cleaning up implicit duplicates. When you need to quickly clean up implicit duplicates in the semantics for 1 cluster, it does it quickly and well.
  • Create a template for metadata. I provide the keywords and USPs as input, the model writes 3-5 variants, and based on this, I compose the final one.

Yulia Stolyar, SEO Specialist, said that ChatGPT helps to save time. Here's how the PROMODO specialist uses the model: 

  • ‍For clustering a pre-selected keyword mass, it helps to quickly divide them into clusters;
  • Helps to find topics for texts for external publications or blogs; 
  • Find what is popular in a niche or study a new niche in more detail and spend much less time than on an independent search; 
  • Create an example of the structure of a technical task for a text.

Examples of Queries for ChatGPT for Online Business

Let's take an online pet store as an example. Here are the types of promos you can send to ChatGPT:

‣ Suggest 10 blog topics that will be of interest to cat and dog owners, taking into account the leading research and recommendations of animal psychologists. 

‣ Adapt a blog post for an Instagram carousel, minimizing the amount of text. 

‣Generate 3 ideas on how to attract new Instagram followers, taking into account the target audience of our brand (add details). 

‣ Generate a list of keywords for the page of a pet store that specializes in selling high-quality budget food for dogs and cats.

‣ Write a meta description for the product “Small breed dog food with beef (attach the composition and nutritional value)”.

‣ Propose 2 templates of a welcome email for new subscribers to a pet store's email newsletter.

‣ What email topics will be the most effective for a pet store during the holiday season?

‣ Write an email to promote a new line of dog grooming products.

‣ Write a template for answering frequently asked questions about pet delivery.

For each of these queries, add context, purpose, or specific details to provide more accurate and useful answers. For example, specify the target audience, geographic location, or preferred communication style (friendly, professional, etc.).
It's important to remember that tools like ChatGPT are just that, tools. The content they create requires unique expertise and authenticity that can only be provided by people who are experts in their fields. 
AI can generate ideas and drafts, but the final, polished content should always reflect your brand's personality and values.

How to Formulate Queries for ChatGPT Effectively

This is the key stage that determines the level of relevance and quality of AI responses. 

Before forming a specific request, you need to inform Chat GPT about the context. Tell it about your brand, company, products, etc. Provide information about a specific case study (if available) or examples of texts that match your vision, style, etc. 

Ask the model to take this context into account when working with subsequent requests. 


1. Be clear and specific. Try to avoid general questions and ambiguity. 

Bad: “Tell me about marketing”.
Good: “What marketing strategies are appropriate for launching a new product in the pet market?”

2. Add context to your queries to help ChatGPT better understand your needs. This can include additional information about your audience, goals, or the specifics of your request.

Example: “I want to write an email for customers who have not made a purchase in the last six months. What should I include in the text to make them interested?”

3. Specify the desired format and length of the response. For example, indicate if you need a list, steps, examples, short or long text, etc. 

4. Ask questions gradually. If your topic is complex or has many aspects, divide the request into several steps. This will help you get more detailed information.

5. Give examples or specific situations in which you want help. This will help clarify the answer and make it more applicable.

Example: “Imagine I'm a marketer working for a clothing company. How can I use ChatGPT to create advertising campaigns?”

6. Experiment and refine. If the first answer doesn't satisfy you, try changing or clarifying your request. For example, add more details or ask the question from a different angle.

Here's an example of a working prompt:

“I am [business niche/job title], looking for content ideas to engage my audience on [specific social media platform/content hub]. My brand/business is focused on [describe your niche/industry] and targets [your target audience]. I need new content ideas for [specific campaign/goal, e.g. product launch, seasonal promotion, brand awareness]. Can you come up with creative and unique content concepts that are in line with my brand tone and values? I'm particularly interested in [specify topics or aspects you want to include].”

Experiment with different wording and approaches to see what works best. 


ChatGPT helps automate processes, create high-quality content, improve SEO, and increase customer engagement. But remember that its capabilities are limited, and the model can make mistakes and provide incorrect answers. Therefore, use it only as an auxiliary tool, not as a substitute for skills or specialists.

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