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How to Get More Reviews on Shopify: Strategies for Success

Digital Marketing
July 19, 2024
15 mins

While there’s much to say about the importance of customer reviews, Promodo search engine reputation management, SERM experts are here to reveal the most effective ways to get feedback on your Shopify products and services. 

Because customer feedback is so important, we will reflect on the best ways of “How to get reviews on Shopify.”

Surprisingly though, many online retailers still underestimate the power of customer reviews. That’s even though the Global Web Index reports that 49% of shoppers rely on them just as they trust recommendations from their family and friends. 

Importance of Reviews on Shopify

Shopify is a highly competitive eCommerce environment, where you should go the extra mile to catch up. Rather than pursuing AI-generated comments on your products or services, our top advice is to engage customers to leave you feedback and positive reviews. 

We recommend investing time in posting authentic customer reviews. Potential clients can often distinguish AI-generated or copywriter-written reviews, which will adversely affect your reputation as a Shopify seller. Oksana Babenko, SEO Expert at Promodo. 

Foremost, reviews are about immediate customer experience with your products and/or services on Shopify. 

With more positive feedback, you’ll

🟠 Establish yourself as a reputable brand name 

🟠 Get more trust

🟠 Boost traffic

🟠 Gain more returning customers

🟠 Expand your customer base with more on-the-fence buyers 

🟠 Win loyalty and enjoy a greater number of lifetime customers. 

Your retail business success on Shopify is much about encouraging individual customer reviews for each item you sell. 

How to get reviews for Shopify store is about deploying the best-fit encouragement tactics we will share with you today. 

How to Get Reviews for Shopify Store

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting authentic reviews for Shopify stores. Rather, we suggest applying a consistent SERM strategy to ensure a solid online presence. 

Here’s a bunch of time-proven tactics that will help you pursue a continuous strategy of effective online presence with a personal appeal to each customer you serve on Shopify,

1. Gaining Shoppers’ Trust on Shopify

While authentic customer reviews reflect personal experience with your offers, it is vital to make more customers buzz a good word about your Shopify store. 

The matter of trust is pivotal here while most shoppers rely on peer reviews left by like-minded consumers. Human nature is such that we want someone else to try something before us. And, the more a customer’s situation is similar to ours, the more likely we will make a purchase. 

Part of the customer journey online is gathering all available information that’s relevant to their immediate needs. The great truth here is that while browsing through more reviews, customers trust them. According to the Global Web Index, 31.2% of US consumers trust online reviews about the products and services they need. 

Winning customer trust on Shopify is a strategic lifetime advantage that will take you a bit of time and a consistent effort. 

Crucial importance of local search intent

2. Targeting ‘Near-Me’ Customers on Google

People want to deal with trusted retailers near them, so reputable eCommerce platforms like Shopify make a perfect match between the demand and the supply side. 

By processing “near me” searches, Google directs shoppers to the nearest stores. And, here’s the magic of customer reviews: they emerge in Google Search and Google Maps next to your Google Business Profile

Customer reviews will help you

🟠 Show your Shopify store in Google’s local search 

🟠 Improve local SEO

🟠 Make more people visit your retail store on Shopify 

The power of customer reviews

3. Winning Social Proof for your Shopify Store

Building social proof is about expanding your online footprint across relevant groups and communities that will validate the quality of your Shopify offers. That’s crucial while many customers may be interested in a product though are still hesitant to buy it. 

Customer reviews will serve as persuasive triggers to boost buying decisions among your potential customers. The only thing every consumer needs is a touch of social proof to validate their initial interest and buy from you on Shopify.

Customer reviews are deeply personal. When someone leaves you a review, take it as their intimate story with your product or service. Every review will serve your Shopify store as convincing feedback with a power far beyond your product description.

With a vested interest in showcasing your items in the best light on Shopify, even negative reviews will come in handy for your business. In this vein, BrightLocal reports that 70% of consumers trust businesses that proceed with the negative reviews. 

That’s because every single review, even the low-rated, sustains your brand awareness and makes you actively present in the minds of your target audience. Always respond to negative reviews promptly and individually, and take them as critical calls to improve your business on Shopify.  

4. Enhancing Shopify SEO

The paradigm of search engine optimization (SEO) is about putting the customer first. That resonates with what Google wants because your Shopify customers are apriori Google users. 

SEO: Core Elements
SEO Architecture

Every time someone browses for a product or service online, Google tracks what users want and whom they trust. Hence, customer reviews, both positive and negative, signal Google about how to rank your Shopify website on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Positive reviews will help your Shopify store rank higher on the SERPs by: 

🟠 Increasing your click-through rate (CTR) while more shoppers will visit your Shopify store once they spot positive reviews

🟠 Expanding social media engagement by showing customer reviews in search results 

🟠 Mitigating bounce rate as more positive reviews make consumers stay longer on your Shopify website.

5. Leveraging Google Customer Reviews for your Shopify Store

To boost more trust among online shoppers, leverage Google Customer Reviews for your Shopify store. You may customize the program with the ratings for purchased products on your website.

As social proof, Shopify reviews appear on product pages to help you convert more customers:

🟠 Shopify integration with Google Ads boosts search campaigns with the “sellers ratings” extension. 

🟠 4-5-star ratings boost click-through rates

🟠 The “Shopping” tab in Google search results provides seller ratings next to your Shopify store name 

🟠 Google Customer Reviews enables displaying a badge on your Shopify store to showcase reviews about your products and customer shopping experience. 

6. Asking for Shopify Customer Reviews 

As sad as it may sound, customer reviews for your Shopify store are purely your initiative. No single shopper, even the most loyal to your brand, will take the time to leave you a review.

Ask your customers for reviews

Before asking for reviews, make sure your target audience knows about the value of your business. The best way to do it is to send your customers follow-up post-purchase emails where you are free to ask everyone for a review. That’s important to emphasize how their sincere feedback on your brand, product, and/or service will help you improve your performance, build trust, and grow your Shopify business. Oksana Babenko, SEO Expert at Promodo.

Asking for customer review with every order delivery

It’s a proven value-added practice to add a review request to your online orders. Putting a postcard into the package with a friendly request for a review will boost your chances of getting one. 

Alternatively, you may insert a handwritten note thanking your customer for shopping with you and requesting their feedback. 

That’s how you make your customers write you a review immediately after they receive your product. Their first impression will highlight a user experience they have had with your business. 

Personalizing email requests 

While personalizing every request for a review, make sure your tone is friendly and unpressing.

In your email, you may ask for feedback on customer

🟠 Thoughts on their purchase 

🟠 Their shopping experience

🟠 Whether they would buy more on your Shopify store 

Asking for customer reviews
Post-purchase letter

Along with post-purchase emails, integrate a customer review campaign as part of your email marketing strategy. We suggest proceeding with a monthly email campaign across your current customer base and asking them for reviews. 

Personalizing email newsletters for each shopper will significantly enhance feedback and loyalty to your Shopify store. Oksana Babenko, SEO Expert at Promodo.

More customer reviews will serve as bulletproof testimonials for alike customer audiences interested in your branded products or services. 

Shopify Email will help you craft and track customer review campaigns without any coding experience. With this app in hand, you’ll integrate all the essential requisites and direct your shoppers to other places like Google Reviews and third-party sites where they may leave you a review. 

Asking for customer reviews on social media

Sharing customer testimonials across social media is a great way to buzz on your Shopify presence. Customer reviews will serve as social proof to engage more on-the-fence shoppers to your Shopify store. 

Social media sharing will also encourage your existing customers to write more reviews.

Whenever someone tags your Shopify store on social media, ask them if they would mind sharing their comments about your business on your profile. 

Asking for video reviews

While textual testimonials are more accessible for customers to read, video testimonials offer a more engaging experience by showcasing a customer discussing their experience with the product or service, which helps viewers connect emotionally with the speaker.

Our SEO expert, Oksana Babenko, suggests asking for video reviews as a far more captivating and engaging option compared to text reviews. Incorporating video reviews in your testimonials will serve as eye-catching social proof and benefit you with an impressive competitive edge over the closest Shopify competitors. 

7. Automating Customer Reviews on Shopify

Automating a review process is the finest way to ease your SERM effort and scale your online presence. 

Automation of the review process is foremost important to accumulate fresh reviews while the outdated ones cannot encourage new customers with the same power. 

We’ve picked a few tips for automating the customer review process for your Shopify store:

🟠 Include calls to action for customer reviews on product pages

🟠 Insert review links to your thank-you pages 

🟠 Fill order confirmation emails with review requests

🟠 Make review requests part of your email and SMS campaigns

🟠 Share testimonial posts to encourage new shoppers to leave you reviews

🟠 Leverage relevant review automation tools 

🟠 Reap fruit from review programs like Sephora to praise your customers for writing product reviews with discounts for further purchases

🟠 Make the best use of free apps like Shopify Product Reviews that will help shoppers add reviews and ratings to your product pages

🟠 Align review links with digital receipts. They boast an impressive 80% open rate and a 15% click-through rate.

🟠 Utilize a star-rating system 

🟠 Use easy-to-fill review forms and templates

🟠 Integrate search functionality so that shoppers may browse for previous reviews.

🟠 Let shoppers write you reviews on their smartphones

🟠 Survey your customers with no-brainer Yes/No questions and gather responses on 

your product’s sales pages.

🟠 Part of longer-form feedback, integrate comment fields so that shoppers may respond to the comments left by other customers. 

Check out how other Shopify players get testimonials and customer reviews per se as a regular part of doing business. Automation will help you expand social proof and make your brand way more trusted in the hearts and eyes of customers.

Get More Reviews on Shopify with Promodo

Still beating about “How to get reviews on Shopify?” You are in the right place!

Getting customer reviews may seem daunting, let alone coping with the automation routines on your Shopify website. 

The finest way to save your precious time and marketing budget is to outsource these vital SERM tasks to digital marketing professionals. 

Promodo marketers will help you build a strong online reputation, engage with more shoppers, and make your current customer base more loyal to your brand. 

Our job is to make every customer review work for your business! 

Our best SERM experts assist Shopify merchants by

🟠 Adding customer reviews to Shopify websites

🟠 Establishing custom review sections

🟠 Embedding review plugins on Shopify websites and product pages

🟠 Customizing review plugins with function templates

🟠 Integrating Google customer reviews

🟠 Running email and social media review campaigns. 


Need organic leads for your Shopify store?
Enhance online visibility and win more customers with a tailored SERM strategy!

Written by
Taras Bereza

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Taras has 16 years of hands-on copywriting experience overseas with 3000+ unique copies.

Accredited with Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2 level) by Cambridge University. Studied at Writing Launch Academy (United States) and owns an Academic Writing Certificate from Oregon University. Author of 12 dictionaries with Apriori Publishers.

Written by
Oksana Babenko

SEO Specialist at Promodo

More than 7 years in SEO. I have processed SEO projects in healthcare, apparel and footwear, cosmetics, and legal services.

July 19, 2024
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