Email marketing and social media have obvious connection: email subscribers could be engaged in social media and vice versa. It is called multichannel marketing, when several channels work at the same time to convert user into customer. The marketer’s task is to define which of the applied tools has worked the best, what chain of actions led to the purchase.
Before linking SMM and email marketing, you should get clear on what social networks will be the target. Typically, it will be Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, for some businesses – Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
SMM and email marketing integration strategy should always take into account the difference between social media and email campaign target audience. What difference are we talking about?
Social media users often visit brand pages in social networks to find out about the news, special offers, new product presentations. Social networks are like workshop, exhibition, theme gathering where all participants can share their opinion. However, it is unlikely you will get to talk here about more personal things, like your own purchases. Most probably, you will be able to join to collective conversation on hot topics, hear other people opinion and share your point of view, so it will be presence, not action.
That is why in email newsletter communication becomes more personal. Both parts of conversion are ready for the dialogue, during which one part gets the chance to sell, and other can find the solution to his problem. There is no other person in email, so letters are usually addressed personally to receiver and talk about his choice, focus on his taste.
How to use social media for marketing for email campaign benefit? To convert social media users into email newsletter readers you can use:
In order to convert email newsletter readers into social media fans you can:
Upload to Facebook CSV-file with list of contacts and send letters to users inviting them to join Facebook. Such method is close to traditional email newsletter, but if you have mail agents software, it is better to use it.
Now lets consider email campaign best practices.
In their email campaigns Sugarhigh intrigues the receiver through Facebook event. When you follow the link, you are taken to Facebook page with the details about the event:
Having read the recipe you can share it with a friend. This way one email reader brings two new email addresses.
Aside from online store, buyers’ attention is drawn to the possibility to make purchase via social networks. Actually, the integration of two communication platforms is a common thing. However, usually brands limit this integration to placing social buttons only. So Neve/hawk digs deeper.
Furniture and home products supermarket informs its target audience about new arrivals, promotions, discounts and other news via both channels, email and social network. For example, in emails there is a constant block with social media buttons.
Call to action which encourage the user to visit the company’s Facebook page, is designed in the same style as the whole website. This makes the social signal perfectly fit in the overall page design.
Social signals will be more effective if they will be prominent in the emails. It is recommended that buttons go well with the letter color scheme, and don’t look like something external or too pushy. Standard design of social buttons is unlikely to excite anyone these days. Usually, skillfully integrated into the letter design social buttons is a sign of the single and well-elaborated strategy of a brand.
To track marketing effectiveness from email and SMM integration, you will need statistical data. This information allows you to monitor click through from social network and emails to the website, social media sales and understand the experiment outcome.
Email marketing adds personal touch to communication with target audience, increases subscribers loyalty and encourages their conversion into clients. Social media marketing creates a festive feeling around the brand, which in turn heats the users’ interest in the brand’s products.
Considering these facts, you can consolidate each channel potential into the single strategy aimed at customer base increase, sales growth and brand image improvement.
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