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10 examples of selling headlines

Digital Marketing
April 10, 2023
14 min

One of the best free ways to increase ecommerce conversion rate at no cost to you is to create a good selling headline which will attract users’ attention. We’ve explored several successful worldwide ecommerce websites within different niches to find out what headlines they usually use to increase conversion rates.

Headlines that Convert: Sell the Solution

Every user surfing the net for a product wants to find the solution to their problem. Moreover, about 72% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. This is why, for marketers or copywriters of ecommerce stores it’s worth the time to predict such problems and indicate these in selling headlines to increase the time spent on the site and improve customer loyalty.

Problems are endless. The easiest, even cliché problem is saving money and time. It can sound strange, but at least every company still uses this approach.
For example, includes the solution of this problem during the summer period.

best website headlines examples

And use the customers’ desire to save money as the central part of their marketing strategy.

best website headlines examples

Besides general problems, consumers become confused when this content is about rare purchases, such as water filters for a refrigerator. They can choose to buy for the first time or look for a better solution elsewhere. In this case, consumers need your support and answers for their pressing questions and inquiries.
Look at the creative solution of who predicted users issues when choosing a filter and placed the help section with a question headline on the homepage.

best website headlines examples

The Word «Free» is Still King

Who doesn’t like free stuff? Everybody does. Including the word “free” in the headline makes it sound like you are going to give a gift to your customer. But be careful – this word can play low-down tricks also. Frequent free offers can spoil your brand loyalty and the overall company reputation. Limited availability always wins.

best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples

Headlines that Sell: Add Questions

Question-marks capture customers attention and enhance engagement. However, these type of headlines requires a click trigger button below.

best website headlines examples

Does the Headline Suit Your Ad?

The headline should not only fit in the context of your ad but also associated in the user’s mind with the advertised product. If the content drives most of the traffic, you can create unique selling headlines for specific products.

best website headlines examples

Use Testimonial in Your Headline

Perhaps, it’s not the most convenient option, but if to turn the headline into a testimonial, you can see how quickly your conversion grows. If you have decided to apply this method, be aware that lengthy testimonials don’t work. The primary headline function is to catch the user’s attention and encourage them to read in full. Take a look at best website headlines examples.

best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples

Highlight What Users Will Receive in the End

At times, being straightforward works best of all. And the most successful companies approve this approach. Be laconic and clear in all of your headlines.

best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples

We’ve found a curious headline on They applied triple equal messages in the headline, subheadline and CTA button. This may look strange, but this works!

best website headlines examples

Consecutive Headlines

We would recommend you follow one chosen style of headlines throughout the home page. An excellent example is Theу have created short headlines which includes call to actions in each section.

best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples

Don’t Forget About Subheadlines

Users don’t always pay attention to the short headline first, they often begin with the longer text included. Specialists from Jumpbox tested two types of ads. The first ad had a headline only, and the second consisted of a headline and a subheadline.


best website headlines examples

Try to guess which ad was the better? The first one generated 88% more clicks. So in order to increase website conversion rate, pay attention to subheadlines and consider their different options when running an AB test.

Curiosity Sells Well

Not everyone likes surprises, but all of us like positive intrigues. Show your creativity and try this approach in your headlines.

best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples

The most important thing here is to remember, that there is no limit to perfection, and you can always find a better option.

Stress the Time Benefits

People dislike long sign up processes. They won’t buy your product that is going to consume a lot of their time.
To improve the conversion rate you can clearly state in your headline that the sign up is very straightforward and will not take much time, and the product you offer is easy to use. Take a look at effective ideas for headlines.

best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples
best website headlines examples


Most ecommerce websites use “wheel horse”  selling headlines which suit their audiences. These are changed periodically due to the new KPIs related to their businesses, worldwide trends, or for the sake of experiments which is healthy for developing companies. Headlines of at least every well-visited site contain a call to action when just a few of these are creative. We would recommend for you to be laconic and fluent for your customers predicting their issues and questions. Starting a dialogue with users from headlines or intrigue them may be appropriate as well.

Anyhow, you shouldn’t waste your time and resources on useless ideas. Conduct surveys on the website or contact experts to receive actionable guidelines.

Written by
Nataliia Raskopa

PR & Marketing Manager at Promodo

I am a former journalist and an ardent follower of the "Cut to the chase" principle.

Together with Promodo's marketing team, I tell about the most interesting things in the world of Ukrainian digital. No stories of successful success – only tips, figures, and working case studies from the leading performance marketing agency. By the way, I talk about our failures as well.

April 10, 2023
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